Exploring Cairo’s Unique Climate: What to Expect Throughout the Year

Exploring Cairo's Unique Climate What to Expect Throughout the Year

Cairo’s climate is a significant factor in deciding the subject of a tourist’s travel. Of course, one of the first questions that any traveler worldwide will ask is about the nature of the climate in this destination. The environment of Cairo goes through several phases throughout the year that affect the nature of the activity that a tourist can do there. So, how is the climate in Cairo, and how are the activities varied during the different seasons of the year there? This is what we will deal with in this article.


Is the climate in Cairo hot all year round?

In the countries and cities of the Middle East, including Cairo, this question may be the most prominent one about the weather asked by a tourist traveling to this geographical spot. The high temperature is a factor that hinders many tourist activities. Many people escape from hot regions and resort to tourism in cities that enjoy mild and pleasant weather during the summer.

Returning to Cairo’s climate, it has a variety of seasons, and hot summer weather does not prevail throughout the year. Cairo also has the following seasons: autumn, spring, and winter. So, the hot weather in Cairo takes several months, specifically the duration of summer. Therefore, let the tourist who intends to visit Cairo rest assured that this city has many months during the year in which the weather is pleasant and tends to cool whenever we turn towards winter.

If you enjoy traveling to Cairo, do so during the months when the temperature drops, which we will discuss in detail in the following axes.

What are the seasons of the year in Cairo?

Cairo has four seasons: summer, autumn, winter, and spring. The duration of each of these seasons differs from other cities in the relatively close geographical framework. Therefore, differences in these seasons can be observed between Cairo and Beirut or between Cairo and Istanbul or Athens. Cairo summers are hotter, and Cairo winters are less cold than the cities mentioned above.

The summer season in Cairo can be determined between June and September

And its temperature is high, exceeding the threshold of forty degrees on the Celsius scale. This season, tourists can practice swimming at the resorts and visit the air-conditioned centers and malls with electric cooling.

The autumn season in Cairo is from October to the end of November

The weather in autumn is terrific, the heat is moderate, and Cairo may experience some precipitation. In autumn, you can visit the pyramids and the rest of the monuments, walk on the Nile, and enjoy life at night by visiting restaurants and sitting in the fresh air.

And winter in Cairo from December to February

Winter in Cairo is cold but tends to moderate. Cairo’s winter is not harsh; yes, the temperature may drop more at night due to the nature of this city bordering the deserts in the north of the African continent. In this class, it is possible to stroll around the towns, neighborhoods, and popular markets and attend events held in the open air.

The spring semester in Cairo is from March to May

Spring is coming soon in a pleasant autumn atmosphere, and many outdoor activities can be enjoyed. But during the spring, Cairo is exposed to waves of hot fifty winds, which carry dust from the western deserts, affecting the activity of people and tourists in general. However, this climatic factor lasts from three days to a week, and then the weather returns to its normal and pleasant state.

When is the best time to visit Cairo?

It is impossible to give you a definitive answer on the best time to visit Cairo; it depends on your travel goals and your relationship with the year’s seasons.

If you prefer to avoid summer and the heat narrows your creativity, I do not recommend visiting Cairo in the summer. You can see her in the rest of the seasons.

Summer is for swimming and resorts. Autumn is ideal for walking around and discovering neighborhoods and cities.

Is Cairo cold in winter?

The weather in Cairo during the day is cold in winter but closer to moderation. However, the temperature decreases at night due to the geographical nature of Cairo, which is adjacent to some deserts in northern Africa. This means that you have to arm yourself during the winter with moderate cotton clothes and bring the winter jacket that you may need at some times, and you may dispense with it at other times.

What is the impact of the weather in Cairo on everyday life?

The weather undoubtedly impacts daily life in Cairo and the pattern of people’s movement. During the summer, people avoid going out in the sun except when they have to. Most picnics take place in the evening when temperatures drop. During the summer, people are in high demand for air conditioning. Most hotels in Cairo are equipped with air conditioning to ensure the comfort of their guests.

The rest of the classes are suitable for most people’s general movement, going out and wandering at any time of the day. Yes, wandering decreases during rain.

Cairo is exposed to dust storms during the spring and parts of the summer, which affect the health of some citizens who suffer from respiratory problems. Due to visibility clouding, there is less traffic during these storms and fewer cars on the highways.

What is the impact of climate change on Cairo?

Like other cities, Cairo is suffering from some of the effects of climate change hitting different parts of the world. It is noticeable that Cairo’s summer has become hotter, and the rate of water precipitation in winter increases within very short periods, turning heavy and brutal, so the roads suddenly overflow with it.

Naturally, climate change will affect the water levels in the Nile River during the summer, and some climate factors will become more extreme, such as dust storms, which become more severe.


The climate factor is fundamental in any tourist orientation around the world. Due to the variety of weather conditions in Cairo, the tourist should check each year’s season and decide which season he prefers to travel.

You can visit Cairo at any time of the year, and it has tourist facilities that are suitable for receiving tourists during All Seasons. It remains for you to determine the right time for the visit and to equip yourself with the right clothes and tools for the class in which you will visit Cairo.