Terms & Conditions for flights:
- 100% coverage for flight ticket cancellation with almatar Golden Guarantee.
- The coverage including flight ancillaries (insurance, baggage, seat).
- The coverage not including the serves fees or the other paid add-ons.
- For domestic flight, the service is available for Saudia airlines only.
- To avail from the coverage the customer must cancel the flight no less than 24 hours before departure.
- the coverage includes the cancelation all passengers in the ticket or specific passenger.
- the coverage does include the customers who already checked in (get boarding)
- If you reschedule your flight, Golden Guarantee will not be transferred to the new flight
- If one of the customers decide to cancel, only cancelling customer will receive the refund amount.
- If you decide to cancel your flight ticket, both Golden Guarantee fee and Service Fee remains non-refundable.
- Both the Golden Guarantee fee and the Service fee remain non-refundable even if customers decide to cancel on the day of their booking date.
- Golden Guarantee applies to one cancellation submission only. If you decide to cancel the entire booking afterward, the airline's policy will apply.
- Golden Guarantee only applicable for original booking value in the case of customers reschedule their flight.
- Golden Guarantee is applicable for partial refund (e.g. refund for only one route of a round-trip flight)
Terms & Conditions for hotels:
- Coverage for canceling hotel reservations with the Golden Guarantee from almatar.
- Coverage includes hotel reservations worldwide.
- Coverage does not include the other add-ons.
- Coverage doesn't include the return of add-ons after booking
- To benefit from the coverage, the customer must cancel the reservation at least 24 hours before check-in time.
- Coverage does not apply to customers who have already checked into the hotel.
- If you change or modify your hotel reservation, the Golden Guarantee will not be transferred to the new reservation.
- If you wish to cancel your hotel reservation, the Golden Guaranteed fees are non-refundable.
- Coverage includes hotel reservations with check-in 48 hours or more after the booking date and excludes reservations with check-in less than 48 hours from the booking date.